natural cleaning

Vinegar is a versatile cleaning agent that can be used to clean a variety of items and surfaces in your home. It is particularly effective at cutting through grease and grime, and can be used to remove stains and odors. Here are a few tips...

As people continue to feel the impact of global warming, every business is doing its part to care for the environment. As a result, as part of their contribution to caring for Mother Earth, cleaning service providers offer natural cleaning to their customers. Green cleaning...

Among all the cleaning companies, Maidpure is chosen by many for a reason. Maidpure takes time to get to know every one of its clients so that its team can personalize its services to fit their unique needs.  Plus, Maidpure has a team of passionate and...

Spring cleaning is in order now that pollen and dust are in the air! An organized house gives you the springtime energy boost, but getting started on your spring cleaning may be challenging. You can only learn certain things from the experts, including how to treat...

Bathrooms often appear to be the most difficult rooms to keep clean. You can’t put it off since dirt, grout, and bacteria might cause infection if you do. Don’t be alarmed, however. We at MaidPure have compiled a list of bathroom cleaning ideas that are...

The indoor hygiene and cleanliness of your home are crucial to the health of the inhabitants. One cannot overstate the importance of keeping your home clean and green. A home without a clean atmosphere can give rise to various diseases. If you lack the expertise...

To host or not host is the question on many people's minds! It seems as though every time we get comfortable with our new normal, 2020 throws us a new curveball. As if we all haven't made enough sacrifices during Covid-19, we are now faced...

Managing a vacation rental means taking care of many things. Keeping it clean and making it look in its pristine condition at all times is a challenge, and not everyone can manage that. Professional vacation rental cleaning is an important step in this direction. Even...